Legal basics
  For the client’s own convenience, advantage and security Five Office Ltd asks him to consider the following Legal Basics. The client will inform Five Office Ltd within one week in writing if he disagrees with any one of the following sections.
1. All information received from the client is kept confidential unless it has become public knowledge.
2. The quotations of Five Office Ltd are valid for 6 months with exception of translations. The project cost may vary up to ± 20 % within a given specification. No project can start without the client’s written consent.
3. A presentation is a non fully-paid exhibit of communicational or scientific solutions or realizations forming part of possible future projects. The client will not use, adapt or sell any idea, concept, text, picture or data provided by Five Office Ltd during or after presentations or quotations for a period of 12 months. If the same idea, concept, text, picture or data is already in possession of the client he will inform Five Office Ltd in writing within one day and will provide the necessary proof, i.e. photocopies of the corresponding and already existing idea, concept, text, picture or data.
4. All intellectual property rights which Five Office Ltd creates under or in connection with this Agreement shall be the client’s sole property.
5. Five Office Ltd guarantees exclusivity within a given field of competence, i.e. clinical research, regulatory, advertising, PR, or websites, excluding translations:
No campaign will be developed or communication projects carried out for a competitor's product of the same class of substances during project realization and for three months after its completion.
No clinical study will be designed, organized or carried out for a competitor's substance of the same class during project realization and for three months after its completion.
6. The client takes over the whole responsibility for each project step he has released. The project will be stopped if a requested signature is missing. Furthermore no liability is accepted for translations unless a Medical check has been ordered.
7. The agreements entered in by the parties shall be construed in accordance with the laws in Switzerland. Place of jurisdiction is the commercial court of Zurich.
March 2018 / © Five Office Ltd 2018